HPP Newsletter - November 2021

Dear HSRA Property Owner,
This will be the last newsletter for 2021. Our next newsletter will appear towards the end of January 2022. Thank you for taking time out to read this one.
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Dr Annelie Rabie on her appointment as the Overstrand Municipality’s new executive mayor. Judging by her pre-election ‘listening tour’, we envisage change on a scale that Hermanus ratepayers and residents have not seen in a long time.
The HPP Board is looking forward to working with Dr Rabie and her administration during the remainder of the HSRA’s term. We are particularly excited by the prospect of accelerated local economic growth, and the emphasis she places on safety and security.
HPP’s financial situation remains healthy.
As is the case with all established businesses, some of our assets have become quite old and require upgrade and modernisation.
This includes infrastructure such as cameras, batteries, towers, as well as renovations to our Control Centre. Fortunately, most of these expenses were provided for in our annual budget, with the result that we do not envisage any cost overruns during the remainder of this financial year.
In addition, we have some allowances available to deal with aspects such as the improved tidiness of our cliff path and awareness drives pertaining to litter control.
As always, HHP will be a major role player in the fight against crime during the upcoming festive season.
This year’s operational plan will focus on the Central Business District (CBD) and tourist hotspots throughout Ward 3. The plan will ensure full-time vehicle and foot patrols in these areas, but there will be sufficient flexibility to react to incidents in other areas when needed. This plan will be activated on Monday 13 December 2021 and remain in force until 10 January 2022.
As part of a security awareness campaign, HPP will be hosting a briefing session on security tips and self-defence for ladies on 1 December (at the Bosko Hall). A modified session for business owners will be held on 8 December 2021 (at Burgundy Restaurant). Please follow social media for more information about these sessions. Book your spot on 083 267 4527. Both sessions are free of charge.
The equipment for the upgrade of our existing cameras and the installation of cameras at new locations has arrived.
The artificial intelligence (AI) cameras will be installed by 13 December 2021 and in time to support HPP’s festive season operational plan. The AI-cameras will be installed in five hotspot areas.
PTZ cameras (plan, tilt and zoom) will also be installed overlooking the parts of the CBD, Voelklip and the Industrial area.
As a result of a fund-raising initiative driven by the Lord-family in Voëlklip, two Smart Motion Detection (SMD) cameras were installed. These cameras can monitor, identify and report any unusual activity in their respective zones, and automatically alert the controllers in the HPP control centre. More cameras will be installed at a later stage.
Looking ahead, indications are that HPP would have to expand its control centre to accommodate the expanding CCTV operation.
Day-to-day cleaning operations along the cliff path and Hoys Koppie are running smoothly. Our service provider (Iphupha Cleaning and Clearing Services) is doing a good job.
Director Ann Wright has been in contact with the OM (Overstrand Municipality) and the CPMG (Cliff Path Management Group) to improve certain sections (under the OM’s control) along the cliff path.
HPP has undertaken to have the neglected garden beds along the Marine Hotel section tidied up and prepared for planting next year.
A clean environment is everyone’s responsibility. When you go walking, please take a bag with you and collect litter as you walk. Especially along the cliff path. We really want to showcase Hermanus as a litter-free and safe destination.
By the same token, we would like to encourage business owners to clean the area directly outside their premises daily.
Dog Walking Protocol (cliff path and beyond)
Several dogs (and their owners) descend on Hermanus during the festive season. Please, please obey the following basic principles:
- Your dog should always be on a leash
- Carry a bag to collect your dog’s droppings (and discard the bag back home).
We again wish to point out that there is a municipal by-law which applies to these matters and Law Enforcement is entitled to issue fines for transgressions.
Illegal Dumping Along the Cliff Path and Hoys Koppie
Please phone the HPP Control Centre (087 550 5295) should you stumble across dumped black bags along the cliff path and Hoys Koppie.
HPP have noted an increase in illegal dumping in and around the Cliff Path car parking areas. Residents are kindly requested to immediately report any incidents of illegal dumping of household waste and garden refuse or builders’ rubble to Overstrand Law Enforcement on 028 313 8996.
When you report unlawful dumping of household waste, garden refuse and/or builders’ rubble to Law Enforcement, please provide as much information as you can, such as vehicle registration or colour of the vehicle and the type of waste. You don’t need a photograph of the perpetrator, but it will strengthen the case for a warning or fine to be issued.
Ward 3 Committee
HPP did not submit an application and will therefore not be represented on the Ward 3 committee. We play a wider role and rather see our sphere of influence through enabling organisations such as the Hermanus PPP.
The HPP Board held its last formal board meeting on 30 November 2021. The minutes of this meeting will be available on the HPP-website (www.hpp.org.za) during the next week.
The Chair of the Board, Finance Director and Executive Officer held its last HSRA Quarterly Review Meeting with the Overstrand Municipality on 30 November 2021. During this meeting I provided a year-to-date review of HPP operations, whereas Tobie Louw provided an update on HPPs financial status and a compliance review.
The quarterly review meetings with the CFO and her team are extremely important (from a governance perspective) and held in good spirit.
Thank You
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following individuals and entities:
- Businesses and ratepayers (who fund HPP-operations)
- Donors who contribute to community funded surveillance projects
- Our service providers (FADT, Iphupha Clearing and Cleaning Services, Whale Coast Computers)
- Our patrollers, officers and controllers (for their dedication and ‘walking the extra mile’)
- The many ‘community warriors’ (who work with HPP to make Hermanus a safe and attraction destination). In this instance we want to specifically acknowledge the hard work done by members of the Hermanus PPP.
- The Overstrand Municipality (for their guidance and support)
- The various Watch Groups and private security companies (for their support)
Finally, I would like to thank my fellow directors and our executive officer for their incredible support and hard work during the past year. It is worth mentioning that HPP directors are NOT compensated for their work.
The current HPP-Board consists of the following people:
- Errol van Staden (Chair)
- Tobie Louw (Finance and Deputy Chair)
- Theuns Coetzee (Operations)
- Ann Wright (Cleansing)
- Anton Hartman (External Relations).
HPP’s executive officer, a mandatory appointment in terms of the Finance Agreement between HPP and the Overstrand Municipality.
In the light of his election as a councillor, Clinton Lerm resigned as an HPP Board member. We are going to miss his contributions, but we know that he can achieve so much more ‘on the inside’. Our best wishes accompany him.
Board Succession
In terms of HPP’s Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) there must be a rotation of directors on an annual basis.
After three years (and having been involved in HPP’s transformation journey), Tobie and I will be stepping down from the Board at the end of the current financial year (30 June 2022). We are keen to involve younger generations at Board level, especially representatives from the business community, who invariably have a vested interest in the growth and development of Hermanus. Ultimately, we believe that the HSRA would be best served by a blend of diversity and wisdom.
On behalf of the HPP Board, I would like to wish you all a blessed festive season. Given the new Covid-variant, we appeal to each one of you to obey the necessary safety and health protocols for the sake of yourself and others.
For those of you who will be travelling, please travel safely. We are keen to welcome you back in a place that is so special for all of us.
Until next time, kind regards.
Errol van Staden
HPP Chair