HPP Newsletter - July 2021

Dear HSRA Property Owner,
Greetings from a somewhat chilly Hermanus. I trust that you are all keeping safe, healthy, and warm wherever you are.
HPP’s financial situation remains healthy. Our revenue will increase by 4% which is aligned with the annual Municipal Rate increase.
The end-of-year financial statement, unfortunately, will be slightly delayed due to HPP’s accountant and his staff being affected by COVID-19 infections.
July has been a busy month for our operations teams. HPP provided support to several Neighbourhood Watch teams during night operations, focusing on people ignoring the lock-down regulations. A number of people were detained and handed over to SAPS during these operations.
Overall, the HPP team was responsible for 10 arrests. These arrests were: 1 for house breaking, 2 for being in possession of possible stolen items, 6 for being in possession of dangerous weapons and 1 for shoplifting.
We continued with our Monday and Friday sweep operations and several vagrant hides/sleeping areas were identified. With the support of the Municipality, these areas were then cleaned.
One of our main challenges remains the management of vagrants, mostly in the CBD area. However, we have noticed an increase of vagrants in neighbourhoods such as Westcliff and Northcliff. HPP normally escorts the vagrants towards the taxi-rank where we monitor them via our camera network, or escort them back to their residential areas.
Against this backdrop, HPP’s Operations and Communications directors will set up a workshop with the SAPD, Law Enforcement and the applicable managers from the Municipality to seek a solution to reduce the vagrant challenges within the boundaries of the HSRA. Additionally, we are exploring what other urban areas are doing in terms of vagrancy management.
The planning for the Fernkloof camera project, funded solely by Fernkloof residents, has been completed and HPP will now proceed with the installation of the cameras as soon as the equipment arrives from the various suppliers.
This camera network, which will be monitored by HPP’s control centre, will not only add value to our existing network, but it will also increase our overall camera observation footprint.
Disaster Management
Against the backdrop of the recent riots in KZN, and parts of Gauteng, and the ongoing taxi violence in the Western Cape, I wish to confirm that HPP is in constant contact with our local SAPS, law enforcement agencies, private security companies, neighbouring SRAs, and neighbourhood watch organisations.
For obvious reasons we are unable to disclose details suffice to say that contingency plans are in place to deal with possible unrest and violence.
Strategic Planning Workshop
The HPP Board will convene on Saturday, 14 August 2021 for a short planning workshop. The purpose of this workshop is to prepare a draft Implementation Plan and Budget for the 22 / 23 financial year. The essence of this workshop will be relayed in the August Newsletter.
In preparation for this workshop, we are looking at what other well established SRAs are doing. Urban decay is a headache for most.
Quoting the Umhlanga UIP (Urban Improvement Precinct):
In any environment, urban decay threatens property values and business prosperity, and negatively impacts investor confidence and the quality of life for the users of that area. Indicators of such decay include:
- Crime / grime / social dysfunction
- Inadequate services to public areas
- The degrading of the built and natural environment
- Poorly maintained infrastructure
- Property owner apathy towards public areas surrounding their properties
When combined, and often one indicator leads quickly to another, the rate of decay is swift, with a turnaround becoming a slow and costly process.
Urban decay and social dysfunction, particularly crime, are inextricably linked. For this reason, improved safety cannot be viewed in isolation, but rather as an outcome of a holistically managed urban environment that is: improved social cohesion, cleaning, greening, maintenance, social responsibility, communication and importantly safety and security.
Annual General Meeting
You are reminded that the AGM will be held via Zoom on Monday, 13 September 2021. The timing will be from 3 – 5pm. Details to follow.
WhatsApp Messaging Service
In terms of the POPI Act, we may not simply add your mobile number to a WhatsApp group without your permission.
If you are currently NOT receiving WhatsApp messages from HPP, but are keen to receive them, please do ONE of the following:
- Sign-up via the website https://hpp.org.za/ – simply scroll to the footer of the page and subscribe. You will receive the link to join.
- Send an e-mail to info@hpp.org.za
Friendly Reminder
Please remember to notify HPP when:
- Your e-mail address changes
- Your mobile number changes
- You sell your property
- You buy another property within the boundaries of the HSRA.
You can do the above by sending an e-mail to info@hpp.org.za
Until next time, kind regards.
Errol van Staden
HPP Chair